Monday, July 26, 2010

An Update-Hooray!!!

I'm HORRIBLE at keeping things updated, and I'm sorry! I have sooooo many new things to show you, and so starting tonight, I will begin showcasing one of my designers a day along with all thier newest releases! I think we are going to start with Valentina, her newest first.

Valentina's most recent release is a BEAUTIFUL kit called "Paint Your Greed" and can be found at Scrapable (all of her links will now be for Scrapable since I'm on thier site CT)

Preview of the kit:

And my TWO layouts-this kit was so versatile I made 2 totally different pages just to show it off!

Next up is a beautiful kit called "Fly With Me"-this kit is perfect for those sleeping photos everyone has of thier little ones!


My layout:

And last for tonight is a summer kit called "Memories of Summer"-unlike most of the sea based kits out there, the colors in this are soft purples and so pretty!!


My layout:

Well, thats it for tonight, but be sure to come back tomorrow when I spotlight another designer!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! These are totally cute, I'mma have to check them out!



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